Banking and Office System Automation. We have provided complete
integrated Banking Solution, in term of hardware and software, for the
banking and financial institutions. We have involved into highly
successful integrated project with the largest installed based in
Indonesia banking and financial industry.
Our core services and products break into banking front end and back
end operation. We offered a full range of operational services from
consultancy and in-house implementation. Our business driven
approached has enabled our clients to rapidly realize the business
benefits, while they continue to enhance and develop their marketing
strategy and customer relationships.
We have forged closed relationship with many IT organizations. Through
these partnerships, we provide the best leading campaign management
solution. The technical agreement with our partners ensures the
tightest integration possible of all hardware and software resources,
allowing them to deliver the maximum benefits to users.
Detil Pekerjaan
We invite young professional people to join and grow up together with
Datindo for the following positions :
Customer Service Engineer
* Usia max. 33 tahun & berpengalaman di bidang ATM lebih diutamakan
* D3 / S.1 Teknik Komputer/Informatika/ Elektro/Telekomunikasi.
Min. IPK. 2,5
* STM / SMK , teknik elektronika atau komputer. Nilai akademis min. 7.0
* Mengerti system jaringan TCP/ IP,Hardware & Software
* Memiliki pengetahuan dalam perbaikan sampai dengan tingkat
komponen & dapat membaca diagram skema
* Lebih diutamakan yg memiliki kendaraan roda 2
* Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap, foto dan CV paling lambat 2 minggu ke :
Email :
Mail Box No. 60 – Menara Kadin, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-5, Kav.
2-3, Jakarta 12950
Untuk info selengkapnya klik
Tingkat Pendidikan: SMA/Sederajat
Pengalaman: 0-2 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan:
Kategori: Teknologi Informasi - IT, Teknik Elektro
Tanggal Berakhir: 29-04-2012
Lokasi: Jakarta
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